PhD students' of the Centre de Recherche sur l' Éducation, les Apprentissages et la Didactique of Brest and Rennes (CREAD), in partnership with the PhD students of the Centre de Recherche en Education de Nantes (CREN), are organising the fourth edition of the international doctoral conference on education and training, october 23rd and 24th, 2018.
The presentations will cover the fields of topics around the theme :
"Education and training, lifelong and lifespan learning"
The different fields represented in the humanities reflect the need for an understanding of the major challenges facing tomorrow's society. The holding of this scientific event makes it possible to inform about PhD students research, whatever their purpose of research as long as it fits into the issues of education and training from early childhood to adulthoodraining. This conference is also an opportunity for them to present and promote their work in progress, to their peers and the scientific community.
All presentations will be available on the CREAD website and relayed by CREN. A number of papers will be selected for publication in the journal Recherches en Education (Revue AERES).
The principal language will be be French but proposals in English are also accepted.